August 28, 2011

Progressions Of Exercises Used To Strengthen And Correct The #1 Muscular Imbalance (VMO)

The following are the most effective exercises, and their progressions, used to strengthen a relatively weak vastus medialis oblique (VMO), which can be revealed with diagnostic tests like the overhead squat, and the Klatt test. A weak VMO, relative to other muscles located around the knee joint can be problematic, as it is the primary muscle responsible for tracking the knee. The list is not exhaustive by any means, and corrective measures are not limited to the exercises, and their variations listed.

- Step-ups

- Split squats

- Lunges

- Squats

August 24, 2011

Bodybuilding - How To Gain As Much Muscle As Possible From Training

To start, this article is not about the sport of bodybuilding itself, but rather the training methods that bodybuilders employ, and explanations as to why bodybuilding methods are as effective as they are at stimulating such ridiculous amounts of growth, as evident in the overwhelming size of professional bodybuilders.

What Sets Bodybuilders Apart From Other Strength Trained Athletes?

All things being equal (nutrition, supplementation, rest, as well as steroids and growth hormones), bodybuilders have the greatest level of muscular development of all strength trained athletes. The only considerably glaring difference between bodybuilders and other strength trained athletes like power lifters, Olympic lifters, etc. is the style of their workouts.

August 21, 2011

The Klatt Test - Simple Tool To Diagnose Lower Body Structural Imbalances

The Klatt test was designed by Lois Klatt, PhD, the director of the Physical Performance Laboratory at Concordia College, River Forest, Illinois, and is used to effectively highlight possible muscular imbalances at the knee, hip, pelvis and lower back.

The Klatt test is quick and simple, and the results generally provide an accurate idea of what needs to be addressed in a training program.

August 14, 2011

The Overhead Squat - Horrible Exercise, Excellent Diagnostic Tool

A lot of people try to get ‘cute’ with their training by altering the way in which they perform basic, simple movements with the hope that by increasing the difficulty, the benefits will be greater. Unfortunately, increased difficulty rarely equals increased benefits, as any modification to an exercise that negatively affects the amount of weight that can be used, or the amount of reps that can be performed, is often counterproductive.

One such movement is the squat, in which the difficulty is increased by holding the bar overhead, as opposed to allowing it to rest on the back. This dramatically reduces the amount of weight that can be used, as you are limited by the strength of your upper body, as well as your current level of mobility at the major joints involved in the lift.

August 9, 2011


The Latissimus Dorsi

The lats are a focal point in most people’s workout regimen primarily because of the aesthetic benefits that come from having developed lat muscles. For women, a developed lat helps with creating the illusion of having a smaller waist. For men, it contributes to their masculine appeal. But aesthetics aside, the lats serve multiple critical functions to maintain a healthy musculoskeletal system, as the lats are the only muscle that bridges the spine to the shoulder.

Because of this, the lat is the most powerful extensor of the arm, making it the primary muscle responsible for pulling loads closer to the body. The closer the load is to the body when deadlifting for example, the less stress that is placed on the erectors, thus decreasing the risk of injury, and by keeping the center of gravity above the base of support, the ability to generate maximum force is heightened due to increased stability, permitting the use of greater loads.

Strong lats also contribute to pressing power because they enhance the ability to control the eccentric, which increases stability and creates a greater platform to press off from during the concentric.

August 7, 2011

The Rear Delts - Small Muscle That Plays A Large Role, Regardless Of Your Goal

Of the three deltoid heads, the rear delts are without a doubt the most neglected, which is unfortunate because, when developed, this relatively small muscle adds an impressive three dimensional look to any physique.