November 13, 2011

Hormonal Response - How To Adjust Loading Parameters To Naturally Increase Differing Anabolic Hormones


·         The most potent anabolic (muscle building) hormone in the body
·         Directly involved in muscle building and promotes the secretion of growth hormone from the pituitary gland
·         Literature suggests that type 2 diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, elevated risk of cancer (prostate primarily), low sex drive, fatigue, decreased bone density, depression, reduced muscle mass and strength, are all linked to low levels of testosterone


·         Necessary for protein synthesis, tissue remodelling and fat burning
·         One key functions is to regulate bodyfat and lean tissue
·         Builds bone and connective tissue
·         Boosts the immune system
·         Stimulates the secretion of IGF-1 and increases amino acid uptake to enhance protein synthesis and muscle building when combined with resistance training


·         Potent hormone for synthesizing muscle protein
·         Supports growth hormone’s stimulation of protein synthesis, and GH triggers IGF-1 secretion from the liver
·         Is released from the muscle following resistance training
·         IGF is also affected by testosterone, indicating the interconnected nature of the different hormones that make up the hormonal system

Interconnected Summary

Test promotes the secretion of GH, which stimulates the secretion of IGF, which is affected by test levels in the body.

While all of these powerful anabolic hormones are linked together, the hormonal response to training can vary depending on the loading parameters.

Testosterone (T) Response

There is a strong correlation between the testosterone (T) response from training, and training which favors the recruitment and fatigue of the high-threshold motor units. Therefore, training with the goal of maximizing the testosterone response should adhere to the following parameters:

·         Heavy intensity (85-95% 1RM)

·         Moderate to high volume (total sets X total reps)

·         Longer rest interval (90-120 seconds)

·         Forced Reps

·         Compound movements

Growth Hormone (GH) Response

There is a strong correlation between the growth hormone (GH) response from training, and training which favors the accumulation of lactic acid. Therefore, training with the goal of maximizing the growth hormone response should adhere to the following parameters:

·         Moderate to heavy intensity (75-85% 1RM)

·         High work volume (total sets X total reps)

·         Minimal rest interval (30-60 seconds)

·         Training to failure

·         Multiple exercises

·         Eccentric enhanced training

Insulin Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) Response

There is a strong correlation between the insulin growth factor-1 (IGF-1) response from training, and training which favors mechanical tension. Therefore, training with the goal of maximizing the insulin growth factor-1 response should adhere to the following parameters:

·         Moderate intensity (80% 1RM)

·         Isometric pause/Intra-set rest

·         Training to failure

·         Eccentric enhanced training

If you have any questions about how to elicit the most positive hormonal response from your training, feel free to contact me at I'm available for online consulting and personalized program design, as well as one on one training if you are located in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).

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