It’s no secret that if you want to make any sort of progress in the gym, you
have to push your body beyond its limits to promote the desired adaptations
(while providing it with the necessary nutrients, hydration, and rest as well)
to occur.
Traditionally this is done with a program in which the loading parameters
are adjusted accordingly, based on ones goal. However, the typical, but
extremely effective, alternation of accumulative phases with intensive phases
can become rather redundant over time. This is especially true for those who have
been hammering away at the iron for multiple years on end, leading to a drop in
motivation to get in there and hit it as hard as possible. Thankfully, like
pretty much everything else in life, there is more than one way to arrive at a given
destination and get a desired result.
Challenge Yourself
Most people have very limited views in terms of how to challenge
themselves to prompt their body to progress. Those views are generally limited
to either increasing the weight, or increasing the reps, sometimes as often as
each and every workout. While those are both effective, and logical variables
in which one should attempt to make improvements, there comes a time when
trying to make even the slightest increases in either of those variables
becomes less and less possible. After all, if you could continue to increase
the amount of weight you lifted, or the amount of reps you could perform with a
given weight, each and every workout, you’re probably already as big and strong
as you could ever want to be, and wouldn’t be browsing online to find other
ways to continue making progress, as that would be a total waste of time that
could be spent lifting heavier weights than ever, for more reps than ever.
For those looking for ways to break away from the norm (ex. 2-4 exercises,
3-4 sets, 6-12 reps), and possibly add a different dimension to their training repertoire,
density work may be for you.
Load, Volume, and
Most are aware of the inverse relationship between the amount of weight
that can be lifted, and the amount of times it can be lifted. The heavier the
weight, relative to ones strength levels, the less repetitions that can be
performed without rest, and if you were only to perform near maximal attempts,
you’d likely fail to provide the muscles with the mechanical stimulus, and muscle
fiber fatigue needed, to initiate the cell signalling response for growth.
However, to maximally recruit as many motor units as possible, and increase
strength levels, which also enables you to use heavier weights when performing
higher rep sets, heavy weights are necessary.
Many coaches and resources suggest that it’s the overall volume, or
workload, which is the greatest influential factor to the adaptive response
from training. This means that the amount of work performed, irrespective of
how it’s performed, outweighs pretty much all other variables. This is why one
of the most popular ways to improve your numbers at movements like bodyweight exercises
like pull-ups, or crunches, are to perform a set here and there throughout the
day, as the overall volume at the end of the week is likely to trump the amount
of volume you would expose the intended muscles to in a single training
For example, if you were to lift 90% (or above) of your 1 rep max (which
many believe to be the magic number when it comes to strength development, and happens
to equate to roughly a 3 rep max for most) for a total of 10 reps, that it
doesn’t matter how you get those ten reps, as long as you get them. This would
suggest that 3 sets of 3 with a final set of 1, or 5 sets of 2, or even 10 sets
of 1, would all produce nearly identical results.
The only variable that would accurately quantify progression between any
of the possible set and rep protocols would then be, time. If 10 reps at 90% of
maximum took an individual 10 minutes to perform, but the next time 9 minutes
to perform, it would be safe to suggest that performing the same amount of work
in less time, means one is in better shape (use that term how you like –
stronger, fitter, etc), or has a greater work capacity.
This leads to what is called workout density. The less time it takes to
perform a given amount of work, the denser the workout, or workload, is. This
is where lifters who have come close to maxing out their strength capacity can
add variety to their training in a very progressive way. Basically, those who
are as strong as they will likely be given their current bodyweight, but still
want to challenge themselves in a positive way, may want to start paying
attention to the clock when in the gym.
Escalating Density
Training – EDT
Just over a decade ago, a trainer by the name of Charles Staley
popularized the idea that, as long as one is able to lift the same weight for more
reps in a given amount of time with each successive workout, they are making
progress by increasing their workout capacity. He appropriately termed this
type of training ‘Escalating Density Training’. Since its inception into the
strength training community, many have tried to reinvent the wheel per se, and
come up with their own way of escalating the density of their training.
While escalating density training is not something I’m going to try to
take credit for, I do want to provide some blueprints that adhere to the same
principles in that, as long as more work is done per unit of time, progress is
The original EDT protocol called for 10-20 minute intervals, in which 2
antagonistic exercises were performed back to back, until time elapsed. The prescribed
weight was ones 10-12 rep max, but sets were to be terminated after performing
roughly half as many reps as was thought to be possible. This was to reduce
fatigue from becoming a limiting factor in the later minutes of the interval.
Anyone who’s ever started a workout with a balls-to-the-wall first set knows
firsthand, that the rest of the workout is pretty much shot if you do so (try
performing as many pull ups as you can and then matching it on your next set to
see what I mean). The protocol was to be performed for 2 series of movements.
A1 – Bench Press, 20 minutes
A2 – Pull Ups, 20 minutes
B1 – Incline Press, 15 minutes
B2 Barbell Rows, 15 minutes
*C, C1, C2, D, E, etc – option to perform additional work should you
choose to with a more traditional 3 sets of 8-10 parameter, or whatever appeals
to you most
At the completion of the workout the reps were counted as a grand total,
and as soon as you could beat your baseline number by roughly 20%, the weight
was to be increased by roughly 5%.
A Slight, But Intense,
While the traditional EDT protocol paid little attention to sets and reps,
a modification of EDT that you could make would be to limit your reps per set,
but reduce your rest time between sets from workout to workout.
A – Squat
B – Leg Press
For this workout you could use the same 10-20 minute intervals, whichever
suits your needs best, and perform a set of a given number of reps (for example
3 reps with a 6 rep max) with only 45 seconds of rest between attempts. With
each progressive workout, instead of trying to beat your rep total, you are
trying to beat your time total by reducing the rest time from workout to workout.
Week 1 – 45 seconds rest
Week 2 – 37 seconds rest
Week 3 – 30 seconds rest
*Yes, that does say THIRTY SEVEN SECONDS of rest! I’ll add that when you
are serious about your results, you will pay attention to the littlest details
to ensure every second of your allotted time is maximized. The template above
however is just an example, and the numbers can easily be modified to your
Also worth noting is that you may also need to reduce the amount of weight
you are using in direct proportion to the reduction in rest intervals, should
you choose to reduce your rest intervals dramatically.
Week 1 – 75%
Week 2 – 70%
Week 3 – 65%
Should you choose to perform full body workouts for either of the EDT
options above, you may also want to reduce the intensity from the first
training day of the week, to the last, as systemic muscular, as well as
neurological, fatigue, is likely accumulate and increase the risk of injury, or
lead to overtraining.
Day 1 – 75%
Day 2 – 70%
Day 3 – 65%
Who EDT, And Its
Variations, Are Best Suited For
EDT, and the endless variations of EDT, are effective for those with
minimal training experience, as well as seasoned veterans. While those with
minimal training experience are likely to progress with nearly any training
program, EDT and its variations offer the less experienced lifter a chance to expose
their neuromuscular system to higher volumes of work than traditional set and
rep protocols, simply because fatigue has much more pronounced effects on
beginners than those who’s muscles are used to high levels of tension for
prolonged periods of time. With a lifter who lacks training experience, the
traditional 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps could tire an individual out to the point
that, to get the desired number of reps on the later sets, a dramatic reduction
in weight, to the point where it is not all that significant at all, may be
necessary. With EDT, because you are terminating the set at the perceived
halfway point, gas is left in the tank, and the overall volume with greater
intensities is preserved.
The seasoned vet could easily benefit from EDT, in that, the more training
experience one has, the less progress they are likely to make each and every
year. For example, one may easily double or triple their strength gains well
within their first year of training. But each and every year after that the
increases are smaller and smaller, as a human body is only capable of getting
so strong. So for those who have pretty maxed out their strength limits, and
have been hovering around the same levels of strength for quite some time,
attempting to perform more work with the amount of strength you have now, may
be a new way to stimulate your body to further development.
Implementing Density
Work In To Your Current Routine
While following the same parameters for the entire body is likely the most
effective way to go, as the body will have little guessing as to which strength
quality you want it to adapt to, sometimes integrating different types of
training with what you are currently doing can be mentally stimulating, as well
as more practical given the environment.
For example, those who have likely maxed out a given machine that they
like to use, but are no longer benefitting from because they are ‘too strong’
for it, can benefit from using density work to increase the difficulty of the
movement, and promote further positive adaptations. A good example of how this
can be practically applied is with the leg press machine.
Most leg press machines in commercial gyms fail to provide an advanced
lifter with a long enough lever, or enough levers, to add enough weight to fail
within the traditional strength and hypertrophy rep ranges. Given that most
commercial leg presses hold roughly 10 plates a side, and the only way to
increase the weight is to have a partner sit on the machine (which is
prohibited in most gyms), or load a barbell across the top with additional
plates (which is not all that safe given that there’s a reason the machine only
has a lever long enough to hold a certain amount of plates), performing the
exercise with a density protocol may be in ones best interest.
In this case, instead of performing a given amount of reps for a given
amount of sets, you could set a timer and perform as many reps as you can
within that time frame, and try to beat it next time. OR, you could select a
predetermined amount of repetitions that you would like to be able to perform
with the amount of weight of your choice, and try to get them all done as fast
as possible, and try to beat your time next time. Using the leg press as an
Stack the leg press and perform as many reps as you can in 8 minutes
Stack the leg press and perform 50 reps in as short a time as possible
*Any machine, or even free weight exercise that you are having trouble increasing
the weight in, can be performed in this manner, and can be implemented into
your current routine easily.
The Sweet Spot
If you look at the set and rep schemes of those who train for strength,
you’ll notice that more often than not, the total reps of a primary exercise
falls in the 20-30 rep range.
5 X 5 = 25
6 X 4 or 4 X 6 = 24
8 X3 = 24
10 X 2 or 3 = 20 or 30
Using density as a manner of quantifying progression, one could also
select a given weight that resembles anywhere between a 5-7 rep max, and aim
for 25 total reps in as little sets as possible. Once you can perform 2 or more
reps on your first set, or get to the grand total in one less set, you’ve
earned the right to increase the weight the next time out.
For example, if week 1 you get – 7, 6, 5, 4, 3 = 25, and in week 2 you get
– 9, 6, 5, 5 = 25, you would be inclined to increase the weight because you
beat your first set total by 2, and also completed the desired rep total in one
less set (which is not all that likely, but is possible. Had you only done one
of the two, you it would still be suggested that you increase the weight the
next time out).
The Benefits
The major benefit to this type of training is that, using a set weight is
one of the best ways that can be thought of to get better at handling a
specific poundage. Because you are constantly exposing the neuromuscular system
to a specific poundage, the high volume of high quality work will translate
into positive strength gains. A milestone for many beginners in the gym is to
bench press a plate (or 2, or 3) for a given number of reps, but if you get
into the gym and bust out a set of as many reps as you can with your goal
weight, assuming your goal weight is challenging for you, it’s not likely that
you will be able to replicate that many more times throughout the workout. But
if you were to hold back, and aim at increasing the overall volume in which you
expose your brain and muscles to that weight, you may find yourself moving
faster towards your destination than you presently are.
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