The excellence of
It would be a challenging assignment to find anyone who doesn’t agree that
what you do matters far less than how you do something. Anyone can put in the
time necessary to be as prepared as humanly possible for any given situation,
but if effective execution of the plan is less than optimal, it’s all for
nothing. As it relates to strength training, one of the most, if not the most,
underrated parameters when it comes to effectively executing an exercise is the
tempo in which it’s performed.
Trainers are often nothing more than exercise instructors, for the lack of
a better term, if they don’t emphasize the importance of execution. I’m not
talking about alignment, and what would be considered proper form, but rather the
tempo that is used to raise and lower the weight.
Can ya gimme a
The law of motor unit recruitment states that motor units are recruited as
needed based on the demand of the task at hand. The more force you intend to
generate, the greater level of recruitment there will be. Greater motor unit
activation means less work, relatively speaking, by each recruited motor unit.
Think of motor units as a group of friends which you can rely on to help
with whatever physically demanding task you need to do (lifting weights). The
more demanding the task (the heavier the weight is), or the faster in which you
want the task completed, the more friends you will have to call upon to help
out. If the task isn’t that physically demanding (the weight is light), or you
don’t care if it takes a while to complete (slowly lifting), then the smaller,
weaker friends who are more willing to help out are all you will need to call
upon, and as long as you give them oxygen, and allow them to rest
intermittently, they’ll continue to help out until the task is complete.
However, if the task is beyond their level of strength, urgently needs to be
completed (fast lifting), or you don’t allow them to rest and get the oxygen
they need (by applying constant tension), then you’re going to have to call
upon your larger, stronger friends, who are less willing to help. But, because
they are your friends they will come by for a quick visit to do what they can,
and make everybody else’s life easier because, the more friends that contribute,
the less work each one has to do, but don’t expect them to stay long.
By deliberately lifting slower, you’re essentially telling your nervous
system not to bother recruiting as many motor units, therefore making the task
relatively harder to complete, as each motor unit recruited has to perform more
If the goal is to build strength, deliberately lifting slower is a bad
idea! In that case you want to teach your brain to always recruit as many motor
units as possible. However, if the goal is to build muscle, then there are
numerous benefits to slowing things down, primarily that the tension placed
upon the muscle remains constant, as long as you avoid resting at the top or
bottom of the movement, which can be accomplished by simply avoiding the top
and bottom range of certain movements.
Repetitive contractions combined with constant tension can create a great
deal of metabolic stress by:
Creating a hypoxic intramuscular environment, restricting
circulation and preventing oxygen from entering the cell (resulting in a
greater level of high threshold motor unit activation by default of the slow
twitch fibers basically ‘tapping out’ without oxygen)
Trapping blood/compressing blood vessels, impeding inflow
and outflow (the veins taking blood out of working muscles are compressed by
muscular contractions, while arteries continue delivering blood to the muscles,
creating an increased amount of intramuscular blood plasma, which seeps out of
the capillaries and into the area between muscle cells and blood vessels,
termed interstitial space)
Buildup of metabolites/metabolic byproducts which reduces
pH levels and stimulates blood flow (the buildup of fluid between the muscle
cells and blood vessels along with the osmolytic properties of lactate
increases an extracellular pressure gradient, causing a rush of plasma back
into the muscle)
This results in blood pooling in the muscles, causing them to swell, which
stretches the cell membrane, and stimulates protein synthesis and inhibits
protein breakdown simultaneously.
While intending to lift as fast as you can initially leads to a greater
level of motor unit recruitment, doing so also requires a considerable deceleration
phase at the top of the range of motion due to excessive momentum, resulting in
tension being released momentarily.
If it was easy,
everyone would do it
The limiting factor in maintaining constant tension on the muscle is the
burning sensation that often accompanies it. The longer the tension is kept
without relaxation, the greater the burn that is felt, which also hinders
strength by inhibiting further muscular contraction. Only when the muscle
relaxes will the burning feeling begin to subside, at which point the muscle is
able to sustain further contraction.
When you understand the physiology of the pump, you can manipulate the way
in which you perform your reps to get the most out of your time and effort.
The stage is set
On a rep for rep basis, lifting slow is significantly harder than lifting
fast, which means it’s not possible to lift as much weight as you can with a
faster tempo for the same amount of reps. To lift slow you’re either going to
have to accept a decrease in reps, or weight, should you want to maintain
continuous tension. Regardless of what variable you choose to sacrifice
(lowering the load or rep count), the constant tension will ultimately become a
limiting factor in terms of how long the tension can be maintained. However,
just because you can’t keep the tension constant doesn’t mean the set has to be
When the burning sensation in the muscle becomes overwhelming, and it is
physically impossible to perform another rep due to the inhibitory effects that
the metabolite buildup has on the muscles, there’s no rule that says you can’t
briefly disengage, and continue performing reps in a more traditional manner in
which the muscles intermittently relax at the top, and bottom, range of motion
to allow at the very least, minimal clearance of the metabolic waste. While the
pain may make you want to quit, and thought of continuing is unbearable, removing
the tension intermittently enables you to bang out a few more reps using a more
forgiving faster tempo.
Manipulating the way you perform a set in which you transition from performing
the movement in the most challenging way (in this case, lifting slow), to a
less challenging way (in this case, lifting faster), without modifying the
movement itself (which would be a mechanical drop set), or changing the amount
of resistance (lowering the weight, AKA drop set) is referred to as a stage
set. The more challenging slower reps performed at the beginning are part of a
‘stage’. When no further reps can be performed in this manner, you move on to
the next ‘stage’, and lift at a faster tempo. Basically the only change that
takes place is the tempo, and manner (range of motion), in which the reps are
The stage is yours
The purpose of the stage is to maximize the time under tension by
transitioning from the hardest way of performing a movement, to the easiest way
of performing a movement, without putting the weight down, or modifying the way
in which it’s performed to give you a mechanical advantage (although that would
be very effective, and you could if you wanted to it just wouldn’t be a true
stage set).
Stage sets are not limited to transitioning from a slow tempo, to a fast tempo
only. If you really want to push the envelope you can transition from a very
slow tempo (ex. 10 seconds per rep, 5 up/5 down), to a less slow tempo (ex. 5-6
seconds per rep, 3 up/3 down), and then moving on to a faster tempo (ex. 2
seconds per rep, 1 up/1 down). The amount of stages you choose to go through is
entirely up to you, and your ability to tolerate extreme burning pain.
Staging can also be implemented to a movement’s range of motion, in which
you perform as many reps as you can through the most challenging range of
motion, then transitioning to a less challenging range to get more reps
(albeit, at a limited range) and prolong the time under tension. This is the
underlying theme to which the infamous 21’s were developed.
21’s traditionally consist of three stages in which you perform 7 reps
through the most challenging range of motion, 7 reps through the least
challenging range of motion, and 7 reps through a full range of motion. A more
logical sequence would be to perform the full range reps in between the least
challenging, and most challenging range. By performing the full range reps last
in sequence, you essentially have to limit yourself during the preceding
stages, because if you don’t, you may not have enough left in the tank to
complete all 7 reps at the end. By sequencing it so that you transition from
hardest to easiest, there’s no need to limit yourself to a certain amount of reps
so that you can match it in the upcoming stage. You can essentially go to
failure, transition to the next phase and go to failure again, and then do it
again. This way you get more than 21 staged reps with an identical amount of
weight, or you could use more weight! Either way, the return on investment will
be greater.
When the stars
Tempo and range of motion can be staged together to create the ultimate
set. Ideally you’d start with full range reps, performed at a slow tempo,
transition to a faster tempo, and when it’s no longer possible to perform a
full range of motion you perform partials throughout the most challenging range
of motion, and finishing with partials performed through the least challenging
range of motion.
However you decide to stage your sets is entirely up to you, and only
limited by your creativity. The only disclaimer, if there was one, is that stage
sets are generally suited as ‘finishers’ for those looking to build muscle, due
to the limited amount of weight that can be used with slower tempos, or high
rep sets like 21’s.
The curtain call
There’s no rule stating that tempo and/or range of motion can’t be
alternated back and forth within the same set as well. For example, you could
perform a set of ‘contrast reps’, in which you pair a stage of slow reps with a
stage of faster reps, and alternate between stages of slow and fast reps until
fatigue limits further performance. The slow reps favor the recruitment of the
slow twitch muscle fibers, while the fast reps favor the recruitment of the
fast twitch muscle fibers (which by contrast make the slow reps easier). The
excessive momentum from the fast reps allows the muscles to slightly relax
during the deceleration phase, preventing the tension from remaining constant,
therefore prolonging the rate of fatigue. An example of this would be to
perform 2 reps at a time for each tempo (slow and fast), taking 10 seconds for
the slow reps (5 up/5 down), and performing the fast reps as explosively as
possible. The weight should be adjusted so that the duration of the slow reps
equates to roughly 40 seconds of time under tension (since the fast reps are
being performed explosively, it’s hard to quantify exactly how much time under
tension they add on to the set).
The only real major drawback to alternating stages of slow and fast
contrast reps would be that it’s nearly impossible to quantify progress.
Because of the drastic change in execution, each stage can affect performance
of each succeeding stage, but if you’re training to build muscle, progress is
measured more with a measuring tape, and less with how much weight was lifted
for a certain amount of sets and reps.
But there is just
one last thing...
Exercises performed unilaterally have the added benefit of increased motor
unit activation in the working muscle (because it’s a lot easier to focus on
exerting force with one limb, as opposed to diluting your focus by lifting with
two), therefore facilitating recruitment and stimulation of a greater amount of
muscle fibers. This combined with the goal of applying as continuous tension as
possible opens up the door for an even greater amount of possibilities in terms
of exercise execution is concerned.
Traditionally unilateral exercises are performed in alternating fashion (alternating
dumbell curl, front raise, etc), and while one arm/leg is working, the other is
pretty much relaxed. The benefit to executing movements in this manner is that
the tension is momentarily relieved, and therefore the metabolite buildup that
hinders sustained contraction is minimized, which permits the usage of heavier
weights, or allows for more total reps to be performed. On the flip side, this
also allows blood and oxygen to enter the nonworking arm which means the
increased production of (local growth factors) IGF-1, MGF, and (systemic growth
factors) HGH is not maximized as much as it could be if you modified the way in
which the movement was performed.
By starting a unilateral movement with both limbs in the fully contracted
position you enhance the potential production of local and systemic growth
factors, and as fatigue begins to limit performance the amount of tension can
be favorably altered to prolong the time under tension by enabling more reps to
be performed.
For example, when performing alternating dumbell curls, instead of having
the nonworking arm in a relaxed position, keep it in a fully contracted
position, and alternate arms with each repetition. This way the muscle never
gets a chance to relax between reps. When fatigue limits your ability to
continue performing reps in this manner, perform the reps with each arm
simultaneously, as it is a lot easier to use a little body English if
necessary, to help get additional reps and prolong the time under tension when
using both arms. Then, when it’s necessary to allow the muscles to briefly
relax, switch to performing reps in a traditional manner in which the
nonworking arm is relaxed. This would be referred to as a ‘tension alteration
stage set’, because it is the tension that is altered to permit more repetitions
to be performed.
As you can see, there are many ways in which you can modify the way in
which you execute a set into different stages, transitioning from the most
challenging way, to the least. Whether you choose to modify the tempo, range of
motion, or alter the amount of tension from a position of constant tension to intermittently
allowing the muscles to relax while performing a unilateral movement, is
entirely up to you, and its only limitation is your creativity. You certainly
could try to implement each variable into one set, but I wouldn’t recommend it,
simply because it dilutes the effectiveness of each type of stage. After all,
there is such thing as too much of a good thing (or is there?...).
Should there be another persuasive post you can share next time, I’ll be surely waiting for it.
ReplyDeletelift weights faster